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Instant Showers | Tankless Heaters | Undersink Heaters | Heating Elements | Electric Faucets/ Taps

Best Instant Showers/ Heaters in Kenya

At Shopmerix, we pride ourselves in providing solutions for instant showers/ heaters across various categories like salty water instant showers, instant showers with pumps, etc.

Use the FILTER option above or the CHECK BOXES to fine-tune your search for the right instant shower/ heater for your use case and budget.


Original price was: KSh 8,000.Current price is: KSh 7,500.
Original price was: KSh 7,500.Current price is: KSh 5,600.
Original price was: KSh 18,000.Current price is: KSh 14,500.

Besides instant showers, we also stock shower arms/ pipes and replacement elements for various instant showers and heaters. That way your instant shower/ heater keeps serving you without having to buy a new one every now and then!

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